Collector's Cove - COM S 319 Projects


I am a collector of a lot of physical media, mainly movies, shows, and music. I have always wanted to make an application for collectors to put together a "database" of the things that they own and information about it, like a description of the item, its condition, its format, how much they paid for it etc. There are halfway solutions to this online, but often they are paid or don't have everything I am looking for. The nice thing about being a computer engineer is that if it doesn't exist, I can just make it.

I needed a project to work on with my partner in COM S 319, so I finally decided to begin work on it. As of the midterm project stage, we just have a way to display content arranged in a JSON file. In the future, we plan to write a backend api for this application that will allow users to create their own lists and share their collections with their friends. Even though this is a for a school project, I plan to continue working on it for long after its due.

collector's cove

Skills Gained:

Some JSON for the project